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Xperia 1 finger print scanner setup


Xperia 1 finger print scanner setup

I've had my Xperia 1 for a month and until a few days ago my fingerprint sensor was terrible. 

I've realised the set up for the FPS is terrible. I tried a few different methods and now my FPS is working flawlessly.

I have divided my thump into 3 sections:

1st print scan left side of thump keep scanning this are during setup.

2nd print scan do the same for the centre of the thumb.

3rd print do the same for the right side of the thumb.

I find this works with well due to the size and shape of the finger scanner.

Give it a go and see if it works for you.


Thank you for your great comments:

However this has already been discussed many times

It also helps if you register the same fingerprint twice and whenever a firmware update is undertaken, to delete the old finger prints and readd.

Keep up the good work mate and thanks for helping.

Gilgamesh the first ONE and ONLY King