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Xperia 1 II - HELP! Rattle from bottom 5th of phone. camera also rattles when used and when not.

Xperia 1 II - HELP! Rattle from bottom 5th of phone. camera also rattles when used and when not.

Basically, I am growing to love this phone.


I wasn't immediately blown away but I do love it, but today I've noticed the bottom portion of the phone rattles and if you tap it or place it down the noise the phone makes is quite unsettling. 


the camera also rattles when being used and when not. 


Any ideas? I would love for it to be a noiseless phone so it backs up the premium feel, cant help but feel like there are components rattling around on the inside of the phone. 

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LOL "Third leg, that made me laugh"


Perhaps it was a poor choice of words when you utilised the words 'throw down'?


In sooth I have heard of people mentioning this before and it is what put me off and so I decided to stay with my xperia 1 Mark 1,until the 1 mark III comes out.


The Mark ii looks to be a good phone ,however I just feel all these cool ideas need another generation to be completely realised. So a Mark III it is for me and there are puzzling things like, Why the smaller Xperia 5 has a nice graphene sheet to cool it down and not the 1 mark ii, perhaps it was to address some people having over heating issues?





Gilgamesh the first ONE and ONLY King

I think it will probably be normal, because, for example, Samsung has a statement on the official website that the phenomenon is normal, and given that their sensors are manufactured by SONY, there may be similarities. I hope this is not an indication that the component is dying, the camera is still fully functional ...

Not applicable

Hi,I think we need a dead quiet video where you shake the phone and try and make the rattling heard, but not too excessively though as to not shake it out of place.

I still have the rattling, I also created a similar post but without any any serious response.


3 devices had this rattle sound, the one I bought, the one that was for preview in the shop and the one I got now as a replacement from the first one. I don't think it's an issue, but you expect a solid phone at this price range. All my previous Xperia phones never had this. 


So is it a problematic device? Or it's just a batch of certain Xperia 1 II devices? Really curious to hear an official Sony statement

The rattling from the bottom is normal, it's the haptic motors sitting at rest, so you will hear a slight rattle when you put the unit down, and as for the camera lens, the above posts are correct, it's when it's deactivated you can hear it move.

nothing to worry about.