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I have a SLT-A55 , setting below:
Iso auto
Aperture choosen F9 for example
Exposure multi segment
AF is set to point
Focallength of the SAL1870 is 18mm
Take a shot of a subject and it will be overexposured by 3 steps of EV
To make the shot naturally ( camera chooses the correct internal exposretime so that EV scale = 0 ) you have to manual correct this everytime to EV= -1 or more
I checked this setting with the same SAL1870 with a DSLR-A350 and DSL-A700
The DSLR's are mostly equal, but the SLT differs in this case/issue.
Do anyone have the same experience or has some one the answer of incorrect FW?
Not heard of this hapening before...
What mode are you using to get this? Your exposure compensation is also set to 0?