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Bei mir gibt es Probleme beim Abspielen von SD-Aufnahmen. Vor dem XF hatte ich einen XE85 und einen XD80, bei beiden hatte ich die gleiche Aufnahme HDD angeschlossen und die gleichen Serientimer eingestellt. Bei dem neuen XF90 habe ich aber das Problem, dass während des Abspielens der Ton stockt bzw zweitweise unterbrochen wird. Ich habe eine andere Festplatte ausprobiert, die lief auch an dem XD problemlos, jetzt mit gleichem Fehlerbild.
Die Aufnahme selbst ist OK; weil wenn ich etwas zurück spule, wird dann die gleiche Szene ohne Unterbrecher abgespielt.
Es tritt IMMER bei RTL SD (Astra SAT 19.2E) "Alles was zählt" und "GZSZ" auf. Bei BiP oder "Team Ninja Warrior" tritt der Fehler nicht auf.
Update und Werksreset haben nicht geholfen.
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
Ich habe auch unter Oreo keine abspielfehler mehr beobachtet. Wahrscheinlich ist durch diesen Fix der Videoplayer "kaputt" gegangen...
Ich markiere diesen Thread als gelöst.
Lösung: Update auf V6.5830 (1. Oreo Update) und anschließend ein Werksreset.
Die alten Aufnahmen konnten erhalten bleiben.
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
Hallo @mpiet1
Ich gehe davon aus das die Festplatte formatiert würde beim anschließen an den XF90 und es kein Problem mit zu wenig Speicherplatz ist. Festplatten werden langsam wenn diese zu viele Daten drauf haben.
Versuch es doch noch bitte mit einem USB Stick anstatt einer Festplatte. Ich habe das bis jetzt immer so gemacht und hatte mit den Aufnahmen eigentlich keine Probleme.
Es ist schwer zu sagen ob es ein Problem mit dem TV ist, oder der Festplatte. Scheint aber irgend ein Performance Problem zu sein.
@r_a_n_i, wenn man eine neue Festplatte an den Fernseher hängt, wird sie formatiert, egal was vorher drauf war und wieviel. Bei der zweiten Platte hatte ich vorab eine Formatiertung am PC durchgeführt, danach wurde sie vom TV formatiert. Brachte nichts.
Jetzt habe ich einen 256GB Stick drangehangen, der kann 110MB/s schreiben und 130MB/s lesen (ich meine nicht Mbits/s sondern Megabytes pro Sekunde). Das Ergebnis gibts später. Wenn das nicht hilft mache ich einen Factory Reset und werde ihn neu einrichten. Ich hoffe, dass es nicht an der TV Hardware liegt. Endlich bin ich mit dem Bild zufrieden und hab keinen Bock mehr auf Umtausch oder Reparaturversuche.
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
Fehler tritt auch mit dem schnellen USB Stick auf.
Gestern habe ich einen Werksreset durchgeführt und Timer für heute Abend gestellt. Werde dann abends beobachten.
Der Fehler sieht mehr nach "vorspullen" aus, teilweise mit Ton oder ohne Ton, daher dachte ich, es wären nur Tonaussetzer. Also als wenn jemand kurz vorspullt und dann wieder Play druckt, dann wieder spullen usw.
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
Fehler ist immernoch da. Liegt entweder an meinem TV Gerät oder an der Firmware. Werde ein Support Ticket erstellen.
Hier habe ich ein Video erstellt, hat nicht lange gedauert um es einzufangen. Passiert alle 15 Minuten für 5-10 Sekunden.
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
Ja, es stört meine bessere Hälfte noch viel mehr. Alle anderen Fehler, die ich hier eingetragen habe, sind ihr nie aufgefallen.
Ich habe kein HD+, schaue nur unverschlüsselte Sender. Also das war jetzt RTL SD als SAT Aufnahme. Bisher hatten wir keine anderen Aufnahmen. Werde demnächst noch andere Sender aufnehmen.
An den Aufnahmemedien liegt es definitiv nicht.
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
Ich glaube es liegt an dem BraviaSync. Wenn der Fehler auftritt, steht da was von HdmiCecController und braviasyncservice im ADB debug.
Hier ist der Fehler ungefähr aufgetreten:
05-18 20:37:43.245 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 3
Auszug aus dem Logfile:
05-18 20:37:14.304 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: Giving up device auth after 5 tries 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: ius: Exception in CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, ErrorCode=7, InternalErrorCode=-102, Retryable=false 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cmm.get(SourceFile:22) 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at dhu.a(SourceFile:52) 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at dhu.a(SourceFile:77) 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at dcg.e(SourceFile:33) 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cui.d(SourceFile:68) 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: Caused by: ius: Exception in CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, ErrorCode=7, InternalErrorCode=-102, Retryable=false 05-18 20:37:15.303 31837 31858 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: Scheduled config refresh failed. 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: dde: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: tn: ius: Exception in CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, ErrorCode=7, InternalErrorCode=-102, Retryable=false 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at dcz.a(SourceFile:19) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at ddv.a(SourceFile:12) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cmr.a(SourceFile:12) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at Source) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: tn: ius: Exception in CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, ErrorCode=7, InternalErrorCode=-102, Retryable=false 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at up.a(SourceFile:18) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at up.get(SourceFile:5) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at dkn.get(SourceFile:14) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at dcz.a(SourceFile:17) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: ... 8 more 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: Caused by: tn: ius: Exception in CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, ErrorCode=7, InternalErrorCode=-102, Retryable=false 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cui.a(SourceFile:225) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at Source) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cuk.a(SourceFile:96) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cuk.a(SourceFile:90) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at cuk.a(SourceFile:74) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at ive.a(SourceFile:12) 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: ... 1 more 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: Caused by: ius: Exception in CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, ErrorCode=7, InternalErrorCode=-102, Retryable=false 05-18 20:37:15.314 31837 3988 E YouTubeCobaltTv: at 05-18 20:37:15.316 1894 3421 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="*net_scheduler*",, ownerUid=10019, ownerPid=3199, workSource=WorkSource{10019} 05-18 20:37:15.320 1894 3373 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17 05-18 20:37:15.358 1894 3309 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="*net_scheduler*",, ownerUid=10019, ownerPid=3199, workSource=WorkSource{10019} 05-18 20:37:15.362 3199 4812 D ConnectivityManager: isActiveNetworkMetered() 05-18 20:37:15.366 1894 2797 V AlarmManager: Batch{a405066 num=1 start=13740239 end=13740239 flgs=0x9}: 05-18 20:37:15.367 1894 2797 V AlarmManager: RTC_WAKEUP #0: Alarm{b43196e type 0 when 1526673600000 android} 05-18 20:37:15.367 1894 2797 V AlarmManager: tag=*walarm*:ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE 05-18 20:37:15.367 1894 2797 V AlarmManager: type=0 whenElapsed=+1h22m44s635ms when=2018-05-18 22:00:00 05-18 20:37:15.367 1894 2797 V AlarmManager: window=0 repeatInterval=0 count=0 flags=0x9 05-18 20:37:15.367 1894 2797 V AlarmManager: operation=PendingIntent{665880f: PendingIntentRecord{1b817e0 android broadcastIntent}} 05-18 20:37:15.389 1894 3417 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 31793 05-18 20:37:19.306 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:37:22.701 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:37:22.702 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:37:23.249 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:37:24.308 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:37:29.312 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:37:31.504 1894 1894 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 05-18 20:37:32.702 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:37:32.702 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:37:32.714 7117 7117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 36 lines 05-18 20:37:33.249 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:37:34.315 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:37:38.975 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 3 i4_val = 85070373 05-18 20:37:38.976 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 3 05-18 20:37:39.316 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:37:42.703 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:37:42.703 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:37:43.245 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 3 05-18 20:37:43.249 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:37:43.336 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 4 05-18 20:37:43.477 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 5 05-18 20:37:43.477 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 3, dst: 0, params: 00 05-18 20:37:43.672 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 8 05-18 20:37:43.672 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 4, dst: 0, params: 01 05-18 20:37:43.822 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 5, dst: 0, params: 00 05-18 20:37:43.891 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 8, dst: 0, params: 01 05-18 20:37:44.317 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:37:49.318 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:37:52.703 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:37:52.704 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:37:52.715 7117 7117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 36 lines 05-18 20:37:53.250 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:37:54.320 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:37:59.321 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:38:00.053 1894 2478 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1073741825, tag="*alarm*", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=1894, workSource=WorkSource{1000} 05-18 20:38:00.061 3312 3312 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: action:android.intent.action.TIME_TICK received 05-18 20:38:00.062 3312 3312 D MtkTvTime: isTimeZoneEditable 05-18 20:38:00.062 3312 3312 D MtkTvTime_jni: native_isTimeZoneEditable = 0 05-18 20:38:02.706 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:38:02.707 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:38:03.250 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:38:04.323 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:38:08.952 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 3 i4_val = 85070374 05-18 20:38:08.953 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 3 05-18 20:38:08.957 1894 3309 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1894_6 expire 3 lines 05-18 20:38:08.966 3312 3312 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: action:mtk.intent.time.ts_utc_update received 05-18 20:38:08.966 3312 3312 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: Due to ts utc update, sync time from Linux to Android 05-18 20:38:08.966 3312 3312 D MtkTvTime_jni: native_getUtcTime = 1526668689, ms = 15 05-18 20:38:08.967 3312 3312 D MtkTvTime: getTime seconds:1526668689015 05-18 20:38:08.967 3312 3312 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: set time 1526668689015 to alarm manager 05-18 20:38:09.018 7117 7117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 36 lines 05-18 20:38:09.371 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:38:12.753 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:38:12.754 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:38:13.298 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:38:14.373 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:38:19.062 1894 2505 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="NetworkStats", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=1894, workSource=null 05-18 20:38:19.377 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:38:22.754 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:38:22.754 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:38:22.766 7117 7117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 36 lines 05-18 20:38:23.298 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:38:24.379 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:38:29.383 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:38:32.754 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:38:32.755 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:38:33.298 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:38:34.385 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:38:38.975 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 3 i4_val = 85070374 05-18 20:38:38.976 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 3 05-18 20:38:39.390 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system. 05-18 20:38:42.755 3312 3872 D MtkTvTime_jni: _jni_dt_event_nfy_fct cond = 9 i4_val = 7200 05-18 20:38:42.755 3312 3872 D TVCallback: DO_notifyDtEvent cond = 9 05-18 20:38:42.766 7117 7117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 36 lines 05-18 20:38:43.293 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 3 05-18 20:38:43.298 3776 4017 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 05-18 20:38:43.384 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 4 05-18 20:38:43.524 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 5 05-18 20:38:43.524 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 3, dst: 0, params: 00 05-18 20:38:43.624 1894 2537 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> src: 0, dst: 8 05-18 20:38:43.831 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 5, dst: 0, params: 00 05-18 20:38:43.919 1894 1894 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> src: 8, dst: 0, params: 01 05-18 20:38:44.390 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 05-18 20:38:48.297 3664 3664 D ExternalModuleAccessor.onStatusChanged() add device: 4 05-18 20:38:48.297 3664 3664 D ExternalModuleAccessornotifyDeviceInfoChangeToListener logicalAddress:4 arg1:3 05-18 20:38:48.297 3664 3664 V MhlDeviceInfoManager.onDeviceInfoChanged addr:4 arg1:3 05-18 20:38:48.298 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfo() 05-18 20:38:48.298 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfo() 05-18 20:38:48.298 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfo() 05-18 20:38:48.298 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfo() 05-18 20:38:48.300 3664 3664 D addDeviceInfo() logical address of newInfo is out of mhl range. LA = 3 05-18 20:38:48.300 3664 3664 D addDeviceInfo() logical address of newInfo is out of mhl range. LA = 4 05-18 20:38:48.300 3664 3664 D addDeviceInfo() logical address of newInfo is out of mhl range. LA = 5 05-18 20:38:48.301 3664 3664 D addDeviceInfo() logical address of newInfo is out of mhl range. LA = 8 05-18 20:38:48.301 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.notifyStatusChangeToListener() 05-18 20:38:48.301 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncService.notifyDeviceInfoChange() 05-18 20:38:48.301 3664 3664 I MSG_NOTIFY_DEVICE_INFO_CHANGED logicalAddress:15 05-18 20:38:48.301 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncService.replyToAllListeners() 05-18 20:38:48.302 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceCecDeviceInfoManager.onDeviceInfoChanged addr:4 arg1:3 05-18 20:38:48.303 3877 3877 I SceneSelect: Response code from bravia sync service is=20 05-18 20:38:48.303 3877 3877 I SceneSelect: Response code from bravia sync service is=20 05-18 20:38:48.303 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: Received MSG_NOTIFY_DEVICE_INFO_CHANGED 05-18 20:38:48.303 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: Sending message to BraviaSyncService, id = 4, arg1 = 0, arg2 = 0 05-18 20:38:48.313 5463 5463 D BraviaBluetoothService: BraviaSyncController.onNotifyInfoChanged()--> logicalAddress[15] 05-18 20:38:48.313 5463 5463 D BraviaBluetoothService: BraviaSyncController.sendCheckingRequest() 05-18 20:38:48.318 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.notifyStatusChangeToListener(4, 3) 05-18 20:38:48.318 3664 3664 D CecLipSyncController.onDeviceInfoChanged() logicalAddress:4 arg1:3 05-18 20:38:48.319 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncService.notifyDeviceInfoChange() 05-18 20:38:48.320 3664 3664 I MSG_NOTIFY_DEVICE_INFO_CHANGED logicalAddress:4 05-18 20:38:48.320 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncService.replyToAllListeners() 05-18 20:38:48.321 3877 3877 I SceneSelect: Response code from bravia sync service is=20 05-18 20:38:48.322 3877 3877 I SceneSelect: Response code from bravia sync service is=20 05-18 20:38:48.322 3664 3664 I BraviaSyncService.onDeviceInfoChanged() logicalAddress:4 arg1:3 05-18 20:38:48.322 3664 3664 D CecAudioController.onDeviceInfoChanged() logicalAddress:4 arg1:3 05-18 20:38:48.322 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncService.handleMessage :4 05-18 20:38:48.322 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: Received MSG_NOTIFY_DEVICE_INFO_CHANGED 05-18 20:38:48.322 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: Sending message to BraviaSyncService, id = 4, arg1 = 0, arg2 = 0 05-18 20:38:48.322 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager Current Setting for itemNum = 1 is Config value = 1 05-18 20:38:48.323 3664 3664 I MSG_GET_DEVICE_LIST 05-18 20:38:48.323 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.getDeviceList 05-18 20:38:48.323 3664 3664 D Checking physical address 05-18 20:38:48.323 3664 3664 D Checking physical address 05-18 20:38:48.323 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.getDeviceList 05-18 20:38:48.323 3664 3664 V XmlBuilderbuildDeviceInfoXml: start try 05-18 20:38:48.327 3664 3664 V devinfo xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceList><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>3</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>3</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>4</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3200</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>Playback_1</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>8</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3300</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>00044b</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>SHIELD</OsdName></deviceInformation></DeviceList> 05-18 20:38:48.328 3664 3664 I sendReplyMessage returnBundle:Bundle[{xml=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceList><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>3</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>3</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>4</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3200</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>Playback_1</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>8</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3300</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>00044b</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>SHIELD</OsdName></deviceInformation></DeviceList>}] 05-18 20:38:48.330 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncService.handleMessage :9 05-18 20:38:48.330 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager Current Setting for itemNum = 1 is Config value = 1 05-18 20:38:48.330 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: Received MSG_GET_DEVICE_LIST 05-18 20:38:48.331 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceList><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>3</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>3</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>4</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3200</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>Playback_1</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>8</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3300</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>00044b</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>SHIELD</OsdName></deviceInformation></DeviceList> 05-18 20:38:48.331 3664 3664 I MSG_IS_DEVICE_EXIST logicalAddress:5 05-18 20:38:48.331 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager.isDeviceExist addr:5 05-18 20:38:48.331 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager.getGateway 05-18 20:38:48.331 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager.isDeviceExist -> Device is connected to TV! 05-18 20:38:48.331 3664 3664 I sendReplyMessage isDeviceExist:1 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncService.handleMessage :4 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager Current Setting for itemNum = 1 is Config value = 1 05-18 20:38:48.332 5463 5463 D BraviaBluetoothService: BraviaSyncController, onCheckingCompleted, isConnected[true] 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 I MSG_GET_DEVICE_LIST 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.getDeviceList 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 D Checking physical address 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 D Checking physical address 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.getDeviceList 05-18 20:38:48.332 3664 3664 V XmlBuilderbuildDeviceInfoXml: start try 05-18 20:38:48.334 10402 10402 I Utils : true 05-18 20:38:48.334 3664 3664 V devinfo xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceList><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>3</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>3</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>4</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3200</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>Playback_1</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>8</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3300</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>00044b</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>SHIELD</OsdName></deviceInformation></DeviceList> 05-18 20:38:48.335 3664 3664 I sendReplyMessage returnBundle:Bundle[{xml=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceList><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>3</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>3</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>4</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3200</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>Playback_1</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>8</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3300</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>00044b</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>SHIELD</OsdName></deviceInformation></DeviceList>}] 05-18 20:38:48.336 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncService.handleMessage :3 05-18 20:38:48.336 3664 3664 D BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager Current Setting for itemNum = 1 is Config value = 1 05-18 20:38:48.337 3664 3664 I MSG_GET_DEVICE_INFO logicalAddress:5 05-18 20:38:48.337 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceRequestManager.getGateway 05-18 20:38:48.337 3664 3664 V CecGateway.getDeviceInfo addr:5 05-18 20:38:48.337 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: Received MSG_GET_DEVICE_LIST 05-18 20:38:48.337 3664 3664 V BraviaSyncServiceDeviceInfoManager.getDeviceInfo logical address:5 05-18 20:38:48.337 3664 3664 V XmlBuilderbuildDeviceInfoXml: start try 05-18 20:38:48.337 10402 10402 I BraviaSyncSettingController: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceList><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>3</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>3</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>4</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3200</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>Playback_1</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>8</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3300</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>4</DeviceType><VendorId>00044b</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>true</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>SHIELD</OsdName></deviceInformation></DeviceList> 05-18 20:38:48.338 10402 10402 I Utils : true 05-18 20:38:48.339 3664 3664 V devinfo xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation> 05-18 20:38:48.339 3664 3664 I sendReplyMessage returnBundle:Bundle[{xml=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><deviceInformation><LogicalAddress>5</LogicalAddress><PhysicalAddress>3000</PhysicalAddress><DeviceType>5</DeviceType><VendorId>080046</VendorId><HdmiPortNum>3</HdmiPortNum><ConnectedToAmp>false</ConnectedToAmp><OsdName>STR-DN1070</OsdName></deviceInformation>}] 05-18 20:38:48.340 5463 5463 I BraviaBluetoothService: BraviaSynController onReceiveDeviceInfo 05-18 20:38:48.341 5463 5463 I BraviaBluetoothService: AutoConnectHandler.onHdmiConnectionStateChange, Event[Info Change] 05-18 20:38:48.341 5463 5463 D BraviaBluetoothService: AutoConnectHandler.updateCecName() --> New CecName[STR-DN1070] 05-18 20:38:49.392 1894 1894 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
Wenn ich das HDMI Kabel zum SONY AVR abziehe, trat der Fehler bisher nicht auf. Ich muss noch länger testen, aber das wäre eine Kathastrophe, wenn ein Sony TV mit einem Sony AVR nicht kompatibel ist....
Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]
HDMI-ARC (a.k.a BraviaSync) war bei mir mit der letzten FW auch übelst gebrochen, siehe hier. Den lahmen Prozessor bringt halt schnell einmal etwas aus dem Tritt.