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Net connection 49XF8577


Net connection 49XF8577



Just bought a new tv-set, a Bravia 49XF8577. Picture is fine, watching TV broadcasts works great. But the internet connection is pretty much unusable. 


I have a F-Secure sense router, every other device I have (Tabletop PC ethernet, win 7 and android tablets and phones, android TV box for with wired ethernet for my old TV,  Blu-ray player) connect no problem at all and the internet speed is the 200 Mbps I'm paying for. 


The new Bravia is another story. With a straight cat6 from the router it may connect to the internet, but not always. And if it does, the connection speed is real slow, video looks like something from 80's, mushy and stuttering. Using an old android tv-box, the same apps are much faster to respond and stream smooth good quality video.


Using WiFi, the connection speed is better, not great, stuttering and occasional freezing occurs. And getting the thing to connect to the WiFi network is a hit and miss affair. The router is in the same room as the TV, straight line of sight between them, distance about 5 meters. Still the TV does not always find the network, and if it does, getting the IP may take several minutes.


I have done reset to factory settings, rebooted the TV and the router, tried DHCP and static IP, nothing seems to help.


Now is there any other thing I should do, or shall I just return the TV and go get another one, this time not a Sony. 


Hi there,


Welcome to the community.

You could try the internet troubleshooting tips here and see if they help.

Let us know how you get along.


Best wishes,


Hi @Stopsel1,


We were curious to know if you tried the troubleshooting and if its recommendations resolved your issue. There are a few other steps which we could go through together to try to fix the wired connection.


Let us know!

