Sony WD75 remote (or lack of)


Sony WD75 remote (or lack of)

Good evening.


I have committed a schoolboy error so please feel free to heckle me until your fingers are sore. I've been told there's no such things as a stupid question goes!


In November last year we purchased the WD75 as the Samsung was getting a bit grouchy, picture was rubbish and it wasn't a smart TV with access to Apps such as Netflix.

So We decided to go for the WD75 as the picture was far superior than everything else we were looking at and of course had the apps. Fast forward to Early January where we have been having a complete make over upstairs and literally everything has been shoved in the loft....including the TV and more importantly the remote!

I thought I had stuck the remote in the box but no, I have clearly placed it somewhere else, somewhere else which at the moment eludes me. This problem is also assasapated by the fact the electrician we had doing the rewiring decided to shove all the boxes in one corner....I stand no chance at short notice of finding the remote.

No problem I thought as I'm bound to be able to control the TV From some switches on the back, only to find one power switch and a volume up and down button. 

Again wasn't concerned as assumed the power switch could be used as an enter button....wrong!

so when I've switched on the TV the bloody thing has decided that it needs an update but unfortunately I can't click "update" as the power switch doesn't work as an enter button. 

Ive tried downloading a Wifi and IR remote on my phone and it doesn't work in the mode I'm in on the TV, I've also tried tuning my TiVo remote in to the TV which works on volume and to place in standby, I'm still unable to scroll to update and click enter.

My technical knowledge is that of a 90 year old and so was wondering is there any way I can get the TV to enter the update mode without have the remote to scroll and enter "update" 

Im sure once this has been done the universal wifi remote can be used until I find the remote in my loft. The grief I'm recieving from the wife for essentially losing the reomote is to a point where I'm almost considering taking our 42 inches upstairs so she can watch some cruddy show on Netflix.



Not applicable

Hi there


Normally I would advise using the Video and TV Sideview app - but as you can see HERE, you model is not on the compatibility list.


Unfortunately I think you only have three buttons to control the TV at the back (power and volume up/down) - which means there is no 'Enter' or 'OK' button to press.


The actual remote control for your model TV is : RMT-TX102D - basically without a remote control, you cannot operate the TV. 


However many other Sony remote control from the bravia range do work sufficiently (even from a few years ago) - if you know a family member or friend that has a Sony Bravia TV - see if you can borrow their remote control.


Other than that... I am unsure on what else to suggest.




Many thanks for your reply.