Sony XH90 / HT-SD35 Soundbar Issues

Sony XH90 / HT-SD35 Soundbar Issues

Hi All,

I've onging issues with a 65 XH90, details are follows...

  • Bought early Dec from JL, in a deal including Sony HT-SD35 soundbar (which is a temp solution until I get a Sonos Arc)
  • Set up and worked fine for about 3 weeks (over EARC connector for SB)
  • One evening SB made a loud 'stuttering' noise and disconnected from TV
  • TV can see SB on the HDMI port but Bravia Sync can't see it, plus when selected there is no sound
  • Tried all sorts to resolve without success
  • Couple of days later I turned on the TV and the SB 'burst back into life'
  • Next day the stuttering occurred again and no sound.
  • Next day the sound resumed
  • JL replaced SB
  • Worked at first then a couple of days later the same problems
  • Spent an hour with Sony Tech Support, completed a TV Hard Reset (which then took me a couple of hours to put all my settings back)
  • No problems for 10 days
  • Friday evening I noticed my remote control was playing up
  • Checked and TV Bluetooth has switched off and couldn't turn back on (which was causing the RC issue)
  • Turned TV on/off
  • BT was still off and unable to turn on
  • SB disconnected again at this point
  • Left the TV and SB unplugged overnight to force a soft reset
  • Switched everything back on the next morning (Sat) and was able to enable BT and reconnect the RC (although it saw it as a new RC rather than reconnecting the old one)
  • SB still not able to connect, and that's the same as I write this post on Sunday afternoon/

Any ideas?

I'm on with JL Director Relations (due to a complaint early on when I was getting nowhere with the first line support), and to be honest he's being really supportive - however I suspect this is leading to another call with Sony Tech Support and Hard Reset (and all the follow-up settings activity) with a 'clean bill of health' following that.

Have I got a dodgy set which needs replacing, or is this the norm with this set?

Ideally I'd like to get this sorted before the ARC arrives, so any help/advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Hi John,


There should be a firmware update soon that fixes these issues.


Hi Peter,


Thanks for the quick response, however any idea when the firmware will be available?


Already been advised once to await an update (the last one on 21/01/21) but this never resolved the issue, and reluctant to wait much longer for a fix as don't want to get to the point I can't return to JL for a refund.


Thanks again.
