Xperia C5 Ultra Dual - No Service


Xperia C5 Ultra Dual - No Service


I'm a happy and satisfied user of Nokia and Sony products.

My Xperia C5 Ultra Dual suddenly lost it service to connect to network service providers.  It simply displays "No Service".  Until now everythings are perfectly working (Bluetooth,  wifi etc.) except the connection to network service providers. I tried and inserted 4 SIM cards (two at a time) of different network providers but nothing good thing happens. I also tried both manual.and automatic search of Network Operators but still same "No Service".

I already performed factory reset twice and updated the OS by wifi but the unit remains and still at the same condition. 

Following are description of the unit:

Model Number: E5533

Android version : 6.0

Baseband version: MOLY.LR9.W1423.MD.LWTG.MP.V59.P13,

2017/08/30 12:04

Kernel version: 3.10.72+

BuildUser@Build host #1 

Wed May 16 14:49:29 CST 2018

Build number:


This unit already out of warranty and yet still never been open or repair.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. 

Many thanks 


I'm facing the same thing right now.

Have you found the solution?

@Tolitslang wrote:


I'm a happy and satisfied user of Nokia and Sony products.

My Xperia C5 Ultra Dual suddenly lost it service to connect to network service providers.  It simply displays "No Service".  Until now everythings are perfectly working (Bluetooth,  wifi etc.) except the connection to network service providers. I tried and inserted 4 SIM cards (two at a time) of different network providers but nothing good thing happens. I also tried both manual.and automatic search of Network Operators but still same "No Service".

I already performed factory reset twice and updated the OS by wifi but the unit remains and still at the same condition. 

Following are description of the unit:

Model Number: E5533

Android version : 6.0

Baseband version: MOLY.LR9.W1423.MD.LWTG.MP.V59.P13,

2017/08/30 12:04

Kernel version: 3.10.72+

BuildUser@Build host #1 

Wed May 16 14:49:29 CST 2018

Build number:


This unit already out of warranty and yet still never been open or repair.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. 

Many thanks 

How i understand you did not important thing - to talk with yours mobile provider. I have Xperia C5 Ultra Dual more as 3 years, i had some problems with connection: one time i couldn't call to my contacts, to send sms and ect., all these things fixed mobile provider. So i advise you to talk with yours mobile services provider first at all, even when you tried others sim cards, repair smartphone and ect. Only one biggest problem which i have from probably 2017 with my smartphone is big lag after update to Marshmallow with many issues and bugs, which Sony don't want to fix. Problems like: mobile connection and ect is yours mobile problem. Device can be reason, but most time how i saw problem is mobile providers devices which is working with connection.


This experia sony C5 ultra dual is not good, because the signal strength is weak., in other cellphone or different model at the same sim card is very good signal strength. What can you do about this sonymobile.