Smart Offer Cashback and Amazon

Smart Offer Cashback and Amazon

Hi there,

Hoping someone can help.

I purchased two Sony products back in December 2011 from, planning to take advantage of their Smart Offer. As no receipt was included with the deliveries I requested from Amazon some equivalent proof of purchase. They posted out invoices for the products, which I included with the claim form.

I have today received a letter from Sony saying you are unable to fulfill my claim as "An original till receipt clearly showing the purchase of a Sony product eligible for the promotion was not enclosed". Clearly, as this was an online purchase there is no 'till receipt'.

My question is, what documentation WILL Sony accept from Amazon? The Smart Offers were being heavily promoted on the Amazon website so I assume many thousands of people have purchased items from them and then tried to claim the cash back. How have the ones who have been successful managed it?

Any advice or similar stories appreciated,



Hello, I have the same problem, just received the same letter. I bought the WX7 digital camera online on currys website. I also did not receive the receipt from them, so I went to the store and ask one of their emploees that I need it to send it for the cashback claim, so she printed me out a receipt and she told me that It's enough if I send it with rest of the requested documents. But as it came out today it wasn't enough and I have been ask in the letter by smart offers with sony customer service to send them "An original till receipt clearly showing the purchase of a Sony product eligible for the promotion was not enclosed"  This situation is really ridiculous, because it looks like they try to avoid making the cashback... and I really feel disappointed by sony.

...exactly the same has happened to me.  It's beginning to look like sharp practice.  Trevor

The moral lesson would be to check every rules a promotion has before you grab and take advantage of it. This way, you will surely get what you deserve.

So about which rule you, speak about? Because I do not see anything about till receipt or dunno if you have any particular in mind or you just spam because your bored.


I also got the same letter. i purchased from Amazon ex723 40 inch tv+ blu ray system. Supposed to get £100 + 2 bluray. Got a letter, to send the till receipt. As we know Amazon will only give invoice, how this is possible?. In the claim form it is clear that 'proof of purchase', so why they need till receipt. Sony is trying to avoid paying us. So what we do to get the cash back? I am thinking to call them. Please tell your progress on this


Hi there

I got the letter aswell. I phoned their helpline who said I needed to also send in something with proof of purchase on it - such as the last 4 digits of my card number as the invoice doesn't show this- the only thing I can find is the order summary from my account in Amazon.  I also emailed Amazon to ask their view of what I needed to send in but they haven't got back to me yet.

It really is a joke and very sharp practice. To me and most other people including accountants/auditors an invoice is perfectly good proof of purchase.

My cashback is only £50 but if I don't get it after sending the documents in again (including my precious order summary) I will take this further, just for the principle of it.

By the time I've sent this lot off again by special delivery the postage will have cost over £10

Sony really don't do themselves any favours when it comes to this cashback carry on!!

Let us know how you go on


Sony are a coplete waste of time,they give no after sale support at all.

Hello all, since I sort out the situation and got email from them today confirming that my claim has been validated and the cashback will be send shortly, I would like to share with you how things went since my previous post:

So first of all I wrote to currys ( bought the digital camera from them online ) about the situation, 2 day after they send me a receipt kinda simillar to the one that I already sent to sony. Yesterday I called the smart offers with sony helpline on 0845 504 8939 and had a 10min chat with they lady on the phone, I explained her the situation, she asked me about the documents which I sent to them and which were denied by them and after she asked me few questions about the receipt that I sent them ( she was asking if there is my name, adress date of purchase, price of the item and few more things ) it came out that she was suprised that I didn't get my claim validated, because all needed information were on that receipt. I also informed her that I wrote to currys about this situation and that they sent me the receipt, she asked me to print it out and send once again to them with my claim form, but I told her that if I will print this out they will once again tell that this is not the original receipt and denay my cashback. So finally she told me to send the receipt from currys on their e-mail: so I did this morning and after 2h I got the answer that it has been validated. Hope that it will help someone.