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am i the only one in the world with a nas-sv20di ?

am i the only one in the world with a nas-sv20di ?

i think i probably am, as there is more or less nothing about it on the internet.

But anyway, the problem i'm having is wih the internet radio feature. certain stations will not play, and i get the error message:

'cannot play - error no. 39403'

i can't find anywhere in the maual, on the net, or on the sony site that tells me what the error messages on this unit actually mean.

even if no-one can tell me what it means, i'd still appreciate any pointers on where to find out what this error message could be referring to.

also, if anyone with a nas-sv20i (rather than my nas-sv20di) knows what the error messages on their unit mean, this could also help as the two models are very similar)

thanks in advance



Hi Chris,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

Have you installed the firmware update for your NAS-SV20DI.?

If not click on the following link for further info - NAS-SV20i/SV20i firmware network update Ver.1.02.200

If after installing the update do you still encounter the same problem.?

If you have already installed the firmware update can you please give a more detailed explination of the problem you are encountering, ie the stations concerned & when the error actually happens..


Hi, I know this is an old post but I have an sv20i ( so there are two of us with one). I get "can not play error messages", but have improved it by changing the DNS server settings on the unit, Googles as it happens and Rather than using my routers DNS settings. I only get the error now an again now. Pressing backup or changing stations back and forth usually helps. It is a pain.