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Radio Interference

Radio Interference

Hello there,

I'm having awful trouble radio interference with my speakers (model no. ICF-C1iPMK2). I'm currently using one of the SONY speakers made for use with iPods and iPhone and I've found that upon attempting to connect the radio/clock/speakers to my laptop I recieve incessent and almost constant radio interference. Now, I know that people tend to experience this issue with their TVs occassionally or maybe with their car radios in passing as they pass through high-frequence radiowaves but unfortunately my interference issue is rather long-term. The radio interference I am recieveing originates from my stepdad's HAM radio and is therefore pretty much a constant in life. A constant that is rather aggravating indeed.

There isn't any interference when I use the speakers to play my iPod or the radio, only when I try to use the 'audio in' feature. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to stop this from occuring? Anything I could disable or whatever?

