Can the BDP-S780 play pgs subtitles

Can the BDP-S780 play pgs subtitles

Hi. I have a NAS server to stream our movies to our popcorn hour A110. The A110 cannot handle subtitles (pgs) embedded in m2ts nor can it handle mkv properly. Can the S780 handle pgs subs in m2ts?

Also, is the ethernet port gigabit?



Silence, even from the Sony members.....

Learned quite a bit about this unit after playing with it for a day but the long and short of it is no it cannot handle pgs in m2ts files and it is not as good at video processing via DLNA as my A110 which is about 3 years old.

M2ts video stuttered intermittently as the mps levels increased and MKV locked the unit up and had to be turned off at the mains. It would not play FLAC files either......etc etc. Even tried new firmware.

If the Sony cannot outperform a Sayabas unit from 3 years ago (which is junk) then they have a steep learning curve in regards to media player requirements. I think Sony need to change their product marketing managers "for they know not what they do". Let me know if you are hiring 🙂

I'm truly disappointed I expected more from Sony! Fantastic user interface but it is not enough. Did not bother testing the BD player part I knew that it would work without issue.