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May you please help me out guys 😌☹️☹️☹️☹️
Hi all,
Purchased an L1 as a replacement for my old phone. The phone will not recognise certain media files regardless of where they are stored. Some music by certain artists is recognised, some isn't, some artists are not recognised at all.
I thought wma files or mp3 files would have an effect on the phones ability to read it however some wma files are read and some aren't. I thought the age of the CDs would be a factor too yet a 2016 CD is not read and a 1995 one is.
The SD card works in other devices and all of the music is detected. I have reformatted it multiple times, I have checked the media storage cache and cleared it, I have restarted, pretty much all of the solutions found on this website and others by searching. Any help would be great. I'm definitely not happy about dropping £120 on a phone to play music only to have it pick and choose what I can listen to.
Yes. They don't play when selected manually and album art is not shown at all, yet the icon is headphones under file commander so this leads me to believe that the OS knows they are audio files.
This is my exact issue. I hv beef trying for hours to located them and I cant
I have done everything I could and yet it can't be fixed or located. What do I do now. I bought this phone to replace the old one and this is what I get for it. I really sad.