XR-55A80J Flashing Red LED


XR-55A80J Flashing Red LED


it seems my A80J has developed a fault and is now dead and flashing red 4 times. Purchased in October 2022


This initially started happening in November 2023 so reached out to Sony who rejected my warranty claim as it was over a year. Even though my receipt states I have a 5 year warranty. I was going to push the issue then but the problem went away so couldn’t really do anything about it


Now it’s come back and happens pretty much constantly now. I have spoken to Sony Centre and also the Sony Support and it seems they have figured out the issue and should know by tomorrow if they accept they warranty claim.

Anyone had something similar happen, and if my claim is accepted will they try repair it or is it automatically replaced? Not expecting a new tv just wondering how long this will take or if I should just buy a replacement

