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Itunes probleem!!
Wie kan mij helpen. Ik zit met het volgende. Heb de vaio VGN-CS11S en daarop heb ik geinstalleerd Itunes voor m'n Ipod classic. Maar als ik mijn muziek op Itunes opsla in m'n bibliotheek en ik sluit Itunes weer en start Itunes weer op dan is m'n bibliotheek leeg! Dus kan ik elke keer weer opnieuw beginnen! Wordt ik zo gek van. Wie heeft dit probleem ook?
Heb wel iets gevonden bij itunes forum dat het te maken heeft met de vaio software maar dan nog kom ik er niet uit. Hieronder het verhaal van die andere mensen die hetzelfde probleem hebben:
I had this problem and seem to have resolved it. To cut to the chase, the problem was Sony Vaio services that appear to hog the iTunes files. These include things like Vaio Content Folder Watcher and VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager. I’ve stopped them from running and iTunes seems to be a happy bunny again.
Here’s some more detailed background.
I bought the new Sony Vaio laptop (running Windows Vista Home Premium) and ported my iTunes across from my old laptop okay, deauthorising the old one and authorising the new one. All worked fine for the first couple of weeks, then iTunes started to randomly delete and recreate the iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Music Library.xml files, losing all my settings, music index, etc. The music was still there (fortunately) and I could re-import it but that was taking ages with 46 days worth of music!
I got into the habit of copying the four main iTunes files to a different directory each time I used iTunes so I could restore it by copying them back to the main iTunes directory. I also noticed that a lot of .tmp files were being created in the main iTunes directory.
A lot of forums I visited suggested that iTunes can recreate these files and create .tmp files if it can’t write to them because something else is using them when it wanted access. This is exactly what was happening. I discovered this by using the Process Monitor tool which can be downloaded FOC from Sysinternals.com.
The reason why it didn’t cause a problem initially was that on the Vaio, these services aren’t initiated on a new computer until you run one of the Vaio audio or video packages that get shipped with the laptop; the utilities are there to make these packages work more quickly.
If you don’t have a Vaio, I’d suggest you look to see what you have that might be trying to access these files. AV software is mentioned a lot as a culprit but there may be other services too. I hope this is helpful
Hoop dat iemand weet wat ik moet doen?
Met vriendelijke groeten,