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Can I format VGC-LV3S and install all new progams?

Can I format VGC-LV3S and install all new progams?

I have a VGC-LV3SB PC and have suffered 6 years of Spanish op system.

Beat this to death with Sony and due to rights issues they could assist in changing language.

Although upgrade to Ultimate would help, there are times when the Spanish is needed and in technical terms its not easy


I would like to know if there is any reason preventing me from having the hardware formatted and having my own op system and programs installed.

It had a HDD changed a while back nd I was informed there was inbedded software to prevent any changes.

It would mean I would not receive updates or support (which I never use).

If there is no restriction preventing me doing this, I will get a competent IT person to do it.

Any help appreciated.