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Overal Sony Vaio Problems that need help.

Overal Sony Vaio Problems that need help.

Hi Skip to the 2nd bottom paragraph if you want to just read the question :slight_smile:

Ok so basically ive stayed away from sony products as much as possible. my previous laptop was an acer and i owned it for well over 4 or 5 years before it started getting blue screens and problems. never felt the need for back up as i was confident in the product. eventually after years and all the warrentys gone it died after a huge melt down in which i only managed to salvage my Hard drive which is all good.

altho this left me with a problem of buying a new laptop which i was kinda happy about as i use it mainly for gaming and photoshop and other editing software, i was on the hunt for somthing new and powerful.

i picked up my sony vaio about 5 to 6 months ago and its far greater than my old acer altho with power comes huge fragile..ness. i use it most days, mostly at work and am no stranger to the computer world.

Problems with it started a few months in when my graphics card would crash and do the " your graphics card has crashed and weve managed to restore it problem" which after it comes up once you probably have a couple of minutes before it shuts to blue screen and is doing a mini dump to save my laptop. i cant fully remember what it said but im sure itll happern again to me soon as it started to happern like every week.

Today i have new issue which is as i loaded up a new search after a round of css it froze, my laptop made a wierd sound and it shut down and came up with "operating system not found" now im in a frenzy to buy a backup harddrive to save everything just incase my vaio decides to KO itself.

Basically im asking is this normal vaio behaviour or should i be panic backuping and ranting at comet for shoddy products?

I can give specs if needed

Ok so i did a bit of reserch and ive found an ubsurdly simple solution. well i remembered the other day i layed my laptop on its side while it was downloading which i never usually do. it turns out that its just knocked my HD slightly out of poisition inside my laptop and appareanlty this is increasingly common and easy to do in sony vaios only!! i was absolutly shocked when i read through the people that rated this method of just taking it out and doing the old snes dust blow and replace and it works fine. wieerd

Message was edited by: Skyb0y