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Was there a change to internal/external storage about a week ago?


Was there a change to internal/external storage about a week ago?

I upgraded to 7.0 about two weeks ago.  Before and after this upgrade, I was experiencing big problems like so many others with the lack of internal space.  I have a big SD card and despite transfering everything possible to it, I was always running at about 95-97% capacity on my internal storage.  This made it very difficult whenever apps need to be update.  I was slowly deleting good apps to compensate.

Anyway, about a week ago, my internal storage suddenly dropped to about 60%.  I checked and saw that I had lost anything.  Since then, I have gone on an app binge and have loaded all kinds of apps and my internal storage is now steady at about 63%.  This is amazing, and after several months, I am now totoaly in love with my phone, having resolved the only issue that aggravated me.

Did anything get changed?