Xperia Z3 Compact GPS Not Working


Xperia Z3 Compact GPS Not Working

I did diagnostics on Z3 compact but gps failed. Followed the instruction but nothing happened. Fix this sony.
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Mine has a working GPS, since its Android upgrade, but not well working enough to rely on it, for example with Waze in my car...

For that, I need to use my other "good" smartphone (for me, it is a OnePlus)


@goununo: Unfortunately the GPS fix, I was loudly happy about, did work only a few days and now sometimes, after good tapping on the back of my phone at the E-loading place. So I am still thinking and searching for a definite repair of GPS fix. It is amazing that a fine smartphone is not GPS working. I am very disapointed about Sony. When I buy a new phone it will be surely not a Sony. Also because of updating the Android OS only 1 time. Apple updates his phones much more and for longer time.

Lots of succes and let us know if someone found a repair. I will certainly.


I found out that narrowing the load contact has as result that the GPS function is working steady now. In did tapping before in that area but it was not working steady. Malfunction of a flickering loading contact and carfully repair of that contact was also the GPS solution .


In additionele, directly next to the loading contact you see a small metallic strip. Try to insert at the upperside (screen site)


@Steve5john: Now I know that the GPS instrument (as big as a needle head) did broke form the motherboard. I need to buy and let install a new motherboard. It is indeed very near to the loading contact and in between of a little screw. Look for motherboard backside pictures on the internet and you can locate the tiny instrument. 

I would say it's a hardware fault. The GPS aerial is on the top RH corner of the removable plastic frame, when the phone is face down, back off, camera top left. Try tapping the frame sharply on top RH corner - if GPS now works then this is the fault. Going any further is a risky operation - get it wrong and you break the phone. Use watchmaker's screwdrivers (I needed an eyeglass as well!) to disconnect NFC aerial, 3 wide screws + 2 narrow ones, pop out side tabs and remove frame. Aerial connection is via brass button in plastic block PLUS spring arm about 20mm down the side. Try cleaning contct points with cotton bud + alcohol & reassemble. I ended up soldering thin wires from contact points to frame using a tiny soldering iron. I had to break the plastic block off the PCB, ideally lever back the side tabs and pop the block out of the metal carrier. Good luck!