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Long time waited for it....the Xperia 1 MK2.

Long time waited for it....the Xperia 1 MK2.

Love and Hate from me. Eagerly waited for it since announcement and first adverts. High expectations, not only because of SONY´s promises but mostly because of my experience with and as long - term SONY user / devices. Most of my SONY phones delivered good images: my XZ Premium, XZ2 Premium, even my last addition, the X, gives me proper images. Not counting the older device along my lifetime (SE68, W-Series, K-Series and so on). But this MK2 is more Hate than Love. Gorgeous design, screen, speakers. Fast and, finally, more storage (novum at SONY!). But the camera - system is a no-go. Mediocre image quality from all but the main camera, even with the 24 lens it delivers inconsistent material. Videos are simply forget. Focus is a hit and miss game when light conditions are different from sunny - outdoor. From 10 images half is usable, depending what lens was used. Not to talk about the front camera. I hope SONY acts quickly and delivers a proper Firmware update to correct, if possible, all those issues. I really don't want to return it...



I totally agree with what you wrote. It's been two days since I received my unit and in general, the camera sucks. I'm putting my hopes in a future firmware update BUT somehow I don't expect any major improvements.

Well, I am not waiting to long as my return window is closing next week. If till than SONY does not come out with a proper firmware the MK2 will be send back. I suppose that many buyers will do the same, sooner or later as the device seems to be in stores out,  only the die -hard fans will hang on it just for the sake of Sony and hoping for change (that possible will never come).

Revising my initial complains: magic happens, the back camera system acts fine now, output from the main lens gets into DSLR quality so I take back this one and now i say: BRAVO to SONY 👍

have you done something different? or what prompted this change.

Not really. I just disabled the QR scanner in the main camera app.