
ITV Hub / X

ITV have launched the new platform ITV X. When will this update on my Sony TV?

I am also unable to access 'live' tv on the current ITV Hub app. How do I resolve this?

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Not quite the same (though perhaps it is in this respect) but the still-itv-Hub on my YouView box offers me Litvinenko to watch.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Just had a reply from ITVX, saying that they have not officially launched You View Sony yet and, when they do, HD will be available.


So the app is getting updated in stages then? 
Since I have the new UI and content but no HD or live/fast channels.

you may be lucky - all depends on whether your TV is listed in the to be supported list - as set out at the bottom of this link to Sony...  

sadly, my XF85 model is in the not to be supported list

@gavin1985 @They did not actually say it was to be released in stages, just that it had not been officially launched on You View Sony but when it is HD will be available on this platform.  To me, it looks like it is being released in stages but it is very odd.

I wonder if there is a hybrid answer here - released in stages, with a later one to support HD, but not for all models - hence the list provided in the above links.  Whatever, they really could have tried to make thing clear - and to explain why certain models are not to be updated at all...


It just baffles me why it’s being released in stages, cause let’s face it it clearly is. A real shame they have not stated what’s getting done and when it’s happening. To at least give us an idea of what’s going on, so we don’t jump up and down shouting at them.

This whole roll out seems messy to be honest.  my Sony KD-48A9 has the ITV-X app but the front page graphic is still ITV Hub, which is consistent with the post from Sony.   Like others I do not have HD content.   I am also seeing different content between ITV-X ont he Sony to ITV-X on my Google Chromecast with Google TV.  Ie Doctor Who is not available on Sony, but is on Chromecast.


Sony are adding to the confusion  They say the Google TV models will get the front graphic updated on a future software release, but they don't say that about the Android TV's.    So I asked them via a support ticket.   They have told me my TV is already a Google TV device and that android is just the OS it runs on.    Yes it runs on Android but is also Android TV based not Google TV and their notice abotu ITV-X doesn't say that will get the graphic updated.

@ccarmock @You are right, it is so confusing.  I also have the KD-48A9 and have been very pleased with it but am disappointed at the way the launch of ITVX is being handled and the fact that we are not being issued with full information.

Agreed it's a great TV but runs Android 9 (no longer receiving security updates).  See my separate thread here so as not to clog this oen about Android TV / Google TV.  Sony claim this TV is still reciving software updates, but it hasn't for over a year now.


Where we are at the moment is we have ITV-X on some Sony TVs due to yesterday's app update, but we also hear it's not been officially launched on Sony devices yet - so what was that update yesterday?


Sony do say that the KD-48A9 will support ITV-X so we can but hope these issues will get resolved, but this could have been handled so much better.


Just to add to this confusion - I opened a Britbox support case to ask is their app going away and will they just move to ITV-X (their web page says ITV-X is the new home of Britbox), but Britbox support said no they will  be maintaining a separate app for Britbox, but encouraged me to sign up for ITVX for more content anyway!  


ITV-X support said Britbox will soon go away completely and the app withdrawn with everything moving to ITV-X    So two conflicting answers there!


How hard would this have been to get right?!