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Kd-55ag9 black screen

Kd-55ag9 black screen

My TVs screen has started to die recently, typically after the warranty has run out 3 months ago! The image will start to flicker and after a few seconds go off completely. I can still hear sound but the screen is black. Has anyone one else experienced this problem?


I have tried all the usual stuff like a disconnecting all the hdmi inputs, soft reset, a factory reset etc. Usually unplugging from the mains for 5 min will make it work again but this has got less reliable recently to the point where it won't work until the next day. Then it could work fine for a week or so however this has got worse recently too. I used to think this was firmware related but I'm not so sure now. Any advice welcome!

Community Team

Hi @Jharks,


I checked, there was an update pushed recently on February so make sure that you installed it:


If it didn't work either, I believe you will need to send the TV for inspection.

Hi @TheGOAT,

Yes, we've already made sure that the firmware is up to date unfortunately. It's odd because last week the TV was unusable for 2 days, as the screen would only stay on for a few minutes if at all, but the 3rd day it only happened a couple of times and then it was fine and this weekend it hasn't happened at all! That's what makes me think that it is something in the firmware because if it was a fault with the electrics it wouldn't just start working again! It's so frustrating!
Community Team

@Jharks I believe you will need to contact Sony's technical team they might advise you to send the TV for inspection.