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Loosing my mind with the worst TV system that exists!

Loosing my mind with the worst TV system that exists!

Hi everyone,


If anybody can help me sort out a few MAJOR annoyances with this TV, you might as well save my life because my temper and my patience (now over 2 years) with the stupidest most idiotic TV is at its end. I am about to get a heart attack.


First it was the HDMI ARC killing me for almost a year until SONY decided to fix it. Great!


Now with the Android 9 update, I am loosing my mind trying everything possible to make the TV

(1) NOT TURN ON automatically, on its own (!~!!!!)

(2) NOT TURN OFF in the middle of the movie with the auto turn off set (yeah, I know, easy fix, make it 24 hours or something)


(Thing is, because the TV will always turn on when it pleases I cannot just disable the energy saving auto turn off when inactive functionality).


Also, why do I have to always go into the TV mode when it switches on? Why can it not just stay in the freaking HOME mode?? I NEVER use the damn TV channels anyway. I disconnected all hard drives, turned off all scheduling, nothing helps. The TV has a life of its own.


BTW, I also have Apple TV and when I turn it off, it turns off the TV. Nice. BUT THEN THE TV IMMEDIATELY TURNS ITSELF ON AGAIN! This all after the Android 9 update, so don't tell me it's my HDMI cable or the Apple TV or some other crap. 


Yours loosing-his-mind,


PS: Never ever get a SONY TV even if the SONY brand is as engrained in your brain as mine as one of the top most innovative brands. 




LG encounter a difficulty in WebOS with what they want to do, they tweak WebOS.

Samsung encounter a difficulty in Tizen with what they want to do, they tweak Tizen.

Sony encounter a difficulty in Android with what they want to do….


Explain anything?


My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thanks so much for responding. Who knows, it may be more complicated than that, but you may just be right. But what then? Shall we bury Android TV and look elsewhere? I do like KODI, otherwise there is pretty much nothing polished out there, but KODI makes up for that. What is your suggestion then if you could elaborate on your response?



KODI is a media player, and certainly a very capable one, that runs on Android; it is not itself an operating system.


It’s a plus for the Sony Android TVs that they can run KODI directly, which Samsung and LG can’t.


I might, though, be wrong about Android being a limitation for Sony; I was trying to be kind, but Sony do seem to have an ongoing catalogue of issues with these sets that the flow of never seems to lessen. So maybe they just aren’t very good at writing software, and Android doesn’t have that much to do with it after all.


If you look for anything analogous to this forum, for Samsung and LG TVs, there is nothing like the traffic on them.


So I don’t know what the solution is. I do know what the problem is though; Sony targeting its 2021 lineup with Cognitive Processing XR, as if it was building on a solid foundation of underlying software, instead of shifting sands. We know Sony can do the best picture out there, and the whizzes who create the software for that have gone one better now. And maybe that’s part of the problem; the glamour, and the money, is in the picture processing, and the best developers gravitate there, and the rest of development is regarded as just second-string interfacing with the Android API?


But until somebody at Sony is put in place with the budget and the power to get the foundation software on the platform right, someone who can get all his developers together, show them the catalogue of issues, often repeated over and over, on all the Sony Communities round the world, and say “THIS STOPS NOW”, I will never buy another Sony set, and nor will millions of people round the world.


It used to be that you bought Samsung or LG because you couldn’t afford Sony, though you knew it was better, no question. And Sony need to get back to that. If they can keep the prices comparable that’s a bonus; but if not, and they have to go back to having a price premium for a premium product, then they should have the will to do this.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

let me ask you. Did your problem appear after the last update, or was it always present?
If it happened because of an update, then if I were you, I would roll back the system to the previous version. But the disadvantage of this action is that the manufacturer's warranty may be lost.

@demeos wrote:

let me ask you. Did your problem appear after the last update, or was it always present?
If it happened because of an update, then if I were you, I would roll back the system to the previous version. But the disadvantage of this action is that the manufacturer's warranty may be lost.

oh......really? Can you please enlighten us how to do that? 🙄



As updates are not mandatory, not being on the latest release is not an issue that would invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty.


But such a state can only come about through not applying the release in the first place, as far as I know, unless you can describe to @kinggo01 some rollback mechanism (which has so far eluded us) as per your suggestion.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…
Community Team

Hey meny_, try resetting your TV to factory settings:

It always clears any bugs after an update.