Software update PKG6.5016.0631EUA

Software update PKG6.5016.0631EUA

I updated KD55XG9505 to PKG6.5016.0631EUA today. There is now a completely new channel guide and I can no longer access catch-up TV which used to be on the blue button when the guide was active. 


Has anyone else seen this issue?



Replying to Campy11,

The new firmware contains two TV guides, Freeview, confusingly called "TV" and Youview, confusingly called "Live TV and catch up". My set defaulted to Freeview which is the very basic, generic guide from the Freeview service, and it has no catch-up links.

This is what worked for me. Press Home on the remote then on the screen select Settings on the top line, then Watching TV, TV button shortcut, and select Live TV and Catchup.  The TV should now default to Youview. 

Go back to Home, on the app images near the top you can long press "TV" and move it to the other end of the line, also long press "Live TV and Catch up" and move it to start of the line to save further confusion.


Select Live TV and catch up and on the TV display press down arrow on the joggle buttons, you will see Guide, Apps, My TV, TV shows, Films.

Apps is where the catch up services are. 

There are a lot more changes (improvements?) to the way the Youview guide works. 

I hope this works for you.




Thanks to Marty.S.  Thanks for your help which have followed with more success than my own partial progress.

Agree whether changes actually equate to improvements. Would help if there was greater clarity to what was happening. Just have to get used to it but, not sure if my imagination, picture seems even clearer.

In my opinion the images are much brighter than before the software update. It is also easier to read any text on screen.


I fail to understand though, why they have chosen to remove access to the BBC text service on Sony televisions.

It totally baffles me as to why they would do this when the service is being retained by the BBC and is available on all non Sony televisions.

I will never buy another Sony product as long as I live. The text service is incredibly useful to me. I would never consider purchasing a television without access to this.

I believe it was removed when the BBC decided to change/terminate the service then went back on it with a software update in between those 2 events, which means that the feature may come back in another update.


There was another thread for this same issue, and someone suggested a fix. Might be worth a try.


- JD

I have tried all suggestions on this forum and none have worked.


The BBC are looking at my complaint and asked for further details. I am waiting for their reply.

It seems that my problem with the tv being sluggish after the same software update is back. Any change of channel or any operation really, is so slow now. It's like having a tv from several years ago with a much less powerful memory and operating system.


I am willing to bet that Sony will have to put out another software update to fix my problems and those that others are having.

Are you aware that all this happened after the very recent software update and not one previously?

The BBC announced they were reversing their decision to end the text service quite some time ago.



I was not actually, I came into this a little late as I don't use apps personally.


Have you gotten a response from the BBC though? It'd be really helpful to everyone if you share it with us ^^


- JD

Look for this thread (OLED KD65AG9 Software Update Issues).


The BBC don't have a clue what Sony are on about.

I have forwarded some questions that the BBC wanted Sony to answer but Sony have ignored me and not responded.

@Marty.S a new software version was released yesterday for some models including yours, does the issue still exist with it? (v6.5042)


@dog-man thanks for pointing me in that direction ^^

@Joe_Dohn I resolved my original issues as I posted further back. Basically the new software defaulted the TV to entirely inappropriate settings for UK Youview users (it looks to me like a blanket EU update). I personally don't have a problem with BBC migrating HbbTV, although a lot of people do, so I'm sure Sony could have included an option to switch between teletext and HbbTV. My only current issue is constant crashing of ITV Hub on Sony TVs, a long standing issue for which no party has taken ownership. The auto-update hasn't been sent to my tv yet so I'll wait for it.