Storm flies in my KD-65

Storm flies in my KD-65

Hi guys,


I was performing some setups in Kodi today when I noticed one black spot on the TV.


So I look closer and I saw HORROR : A storm fly manage to get is way inside LCD.


So I put a bright picture and I check all surface and there are 3 of them for now !


So TV is 8 month old. If the LCD is no "flyproof" I can't imagine is state in 5 years...


Did anybody know Sony policy about stormflies ?


Technically I think the only option is to replace the TV




I am waiting for a new appointment to replace the TV...


Should be in a week or so... hope everything go just fine this time

So guys... time to update thread...


My first post here was late june, start of July...


Had TV replaced for the storm flies issues by a TV with marks on LCD panel and open an other case.


TV should have been replaced during july but they didn't have it in stock and then have no technician...


As I go on hollydays between july and august I had the second replacement scheduled for 08/17 just after I come back (appointment was made 07/20)


And the day before appointment Sony subcontractor called me to tell me it is cancelled as they had the TV for more than 1 month on there technical antenna and had to send it back to central stock...


Why then appoint me 1 month later if they know they will send TV back ????


So I waited a week for new appointment and then call them back because no news.


The rep. told me that the case was closed and no new TV has been ordered... so he re-opened it and launch a new TV order (still a XD so sad)


Then I have been called for an appointment for de 12 september (I know this story is gonna run for 3 months).


On this date, 2 options : the TV is OK with no ***** marks or so on panel and I keep it or if it is no good I will need to find an arangment with Sony commercial support for a refund.


I don't understand why Sony is not maintaining 2 branch of support and selling (like Apple for example).


1 for brand new premium products (TV over 2k€) wich they replace with new TVs and 1 where they can sell refurb TV with minor defects and do warrantly with refurb TV also...


Anyway I will keep you posted on how it goes this time but I am borred with all that !

I should have swapped the TV when I got the chance !!!


Since yesterday, it refuses to turn ON, called Sony support... probably the power board.


Sony acknoledges the problem and tech told me that for this particular power board issue, the warranty has been extended to 5 years...


But they won't change the TV for another model even if I am at my 3rd ticket with it, the problem is not the same so they cant...


Not quite happy with such problems in only 1 year !!!

Yep I had this exact same problem with my TV, first the thunder flies, then the replacement tv came and it was scratched and scuffed up all over the place. This was the replacement for an immaculate tv that was one month old!!

In the end I asked for a full refund, which they gave me. I then bought another tv from Sony, this time the newer model. Had this one for a couple of months and the thunder flies are back inside the screen again. Stupidly, I thought the issue may have been resolved in the 2017 model.



I forgot to update my thread 😉


So summer 2018 came in France early this year... mid june temperature rise and little bug / thrips / storm flies all came in my replacement TV for a party (still a XD)


In 3 days I got around 15 bugs inside from all sides of TV... very very annoying.


It is strange because an other TV in the kitchen 3 meters away got nothing (smaller 27 in low cost brand).


So at the time I had other stuff in mind but contacted Sony and tell them I can't live with fearing summer every years moreover TV end warranty on 11/2018 so I tell them if they swap I don't want that model (3rd swap and 4rth intervention with problem on powerboard).


So they propose to swap for latest XF TV.


I should get it tomorrow morning but I will store it under a sheet in my office (with no windows so pretty bug free) for the summer time because I think no modern led TV is bug proof and Sony may not exchange it for a fourth time. Some makers like Samsung consider bugs as environmental things and refuses to take it under warrantly.


And i'll use in the meantime a old 40in samsung that fear nothing.


So here it is. I hope I will not need to update this thread next year !!!


IMG_20180707_112747 - Copie.jpg

2 years of the same problem. Sony give a one year warranty. After about 8 months during the summer noticed thunderflies what I thought were on the screen. They were inside. Sony kindly replaced the tv with a 2018 model. A year on and this happens again..... Sony again replace.... altho I’ve been told they shouldn’t have as you only get a one year warranty. New tv arrives two days later there’s bugs in the new one again. After constant emails back and forth I’m told it’s no longer under warranty and here’s a repair centre that will be chargeable. Pretty poor from them if you ask me. £700 tv and I’ve got bugs dead in the screen which look like dead pixels. In fairness you can’t see them from distance but it’s not the point. I’ve got two Sony’s that are ten years old and not a single imperfection on the screen. These TVs are just not fit for purpose. Probably saved billions on not sealing them up yet people like me eventually told to shove it. Will have to seriously search the internet for my next one and it has put me off Sony for the immediate future. House full of Sony stuff but that will change now for sure. Hope this answers some potential questions you may have 👍👍👍

Hi Jack, Hi believe you also live in the countryside with all the fields and bugs and flies ^^ For my part, my TV is out of warranty now (since 11/2018) so I took a drastic measure as I am not willing to pay 700£/€ to get it repaired. Mid june, I removed it from the wall with a friend and replaced it with some crappy "no name" 40 inch TV, my sony is living his summer under a sheet in my un-windowed closed office. This way I am not freaking out finding bugs in the TV as soon as it is sunny and I see a farmer harvesting his fields... It is a bit extreme (my wife is making fun of me) but we don't watch it often on summer as we are a lot outside and on vacations... so not a big miss and it will go back on the wall in a few days/ weeks and we will use it more for the long rainy / darky days of winter 😉