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Hi, I have just bought a new Handycam HDR-CX240 to replace an old handycam i have had for 10 years. I was using Picture Motion Browser software that came with the original handycam but found it was not compatable with the new one. So following Sony's instructions i have downloaded the new PlayMemories home to replace the old PMB. All went well but for some reason the new PMH says all of the root folders for the package to draw the files from are emptyeven though they are not. I have two main drives and have tried to enter the file locations manually but every time the it says the files are empty I have tries removing PMH, re installing it, re starting my PC but i am having no luck. I am running Windows 7 64 bit.

If someone can shed any light on this i would be very grateful.


Hi MacVV1,


I am running PMH version 5.4.02 on Windows 7 64 bit. I have two external hard drives where I store recordings and pictures. PMH is running from C: drive on my desktop and can easily access the external storage via the Tools, Settings then Add Folders function. Following this set up I have no difficulty operationally or when updating versions. Where have you installed the PMH software ?



If it ain't broke don't fix it



Sorry for the delay in replying. I had PMH installed on C drive and like you i have external hard drives. The PMH would not recognise any folders as having media info stored in them. I tried to removing the software and reinstalling it several time to no evale. In the end i bought an old copy of MPB of the bay of E and reinstalled that back on. The MPB doesnt pick up the videos taken on the new handicam but it does recognise all other jpegs taken on other devices.

Shame as i would have loved for the PMH to pick up everything but it just wouldn't. I'm sure its something that i have done or Sony just being crafty so and so's.





This is a bizarre one :confused:


I can only assure you that PMH recognises media both on my desktop and on the external drives. I have some really old video recordings (which were made on Hi8 then converted to DVD) that it is unable to support but I expected that any way. I fear it is something that you may have done otherwise many more would have the same issue :worried:


I hope you find a solution.



If it ain't broke don't fix it


Yea it is propably a setting or something and that really is the advice i'm after. It's just odd, it says something like no recognised content in folder r folder is empty even when they have loads of files in them.

Any help would be appreciated.