Lack of in camera cropping on Sony HX350

Lack of in camera cropping on Sony HX350

Have a I got this right - there is no facility to crop and save an image in camera. How useless, so many camera's far downmarket from this one have this facility I cannot understand why this one does not. I know you can do this after downloading but I nevertheless find it a useful feature to have in the camera and did not think for one moment when I bought it that it would not have this.


I'm not the most experienced photographer and the camera does so many things I shall probably never use or not understand and within a few days of using it it fails to live up to expectations by not being able to do something which I would have thought was quite a basic function.


These are not inexpensive cameras and such a shame that one of the first things I say about it is critical.


The zoom lens is terrific.