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I lost Sony xperia l1, can your service somehow help in the search?


I lost Sony xperia l1, can your service somehow help in the search?

Скорее всего тот кто нашёл мой телефон сбросил все настройки, и отследить его через геолокацию невозможно. Ваша служба сможет мне помочь, в полицию обратилась, но там гарантий не дают..... 

Most likely the one who found my phone has reset all settings, and it is impossible to track it through geolocation. Your service will be able to help me, I turned to the police, but they give no guarantees there 



Hi @Irchik, sorry to hear about what has happened. Slightly_frowning_Face

I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

The only service that I can refer you to use is the Google service called, Find my device as we do not have our own service for locating your device.

Based on the information in your post, I think you have already tried using this service as you mention that you have not been able to locate the device using GPS and this is the only way for this service to locate the device. If the device is turned off for example, the service will not be able to locate it.

I do hope that the police are able to find your device so they can return it to you.