
Amazon prime

Hi everyone 

I've just bought a Sony smart tv kdl-wd603 it cost £359 and we can't get Amazon Prime on it. I spoke to support and we have to wait for a software download but no idea when that'll happen. I have an older Samsung which has the Amazon app and if I'd have known that I couldn't get it on the Sony then I wouldn't have chosen it. Really disappointed. What does a smart tv mean in Sony speak?


Thanks for the suggestion @simon__. I bought from the Amazon UK store so I'd be very surprised if that's the issue.


Sometimes Amazon UK sells EU products (especially through the 'marketplace'), but if you have a UK plug that would obviously not be the case... Sorry, out of ideas then.


Well it was supplied with a UK plug so I think we can rule that out.

Thanks anyway @simon__.

Interestingly enough I was just on to Sony support explaining the issue only to be told that non Android smart TVs do not support Amazon Prime at the moment.

Can anyone verify whether that actually is the case or not?

Not applicable

Hi @mak_18


I have emailed one of my contacts within Sony for absolute confirmation - but being that its Friday late afternoon now, I wont get a respose until Monday. 


However to be frank, I am unsure on what Sony Support are playing at, simply because:




The app will be on your TV - however your issue is that you are not or unable to scroll across the "All Apps" list. 


When you click on the "All Apps" button, you should see something similar to this:



If you see in the picture above, some of the app icons on the edge of the screen are not displaying fully - this is because you need to use the remote control and scroll across to the right via the arrow buttons.  Keep pressing that right arrow button and you will notice that as you scroll across the next icon will highlight.  So keep pressing that right arrow button and eventually more app icons will appear on the screen as you keep moving across.

