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Sony Bravia 32ex723 vertical banding - update

Sony Bravia 32ex723 vertical banding - update

Hey all,

I recently posted a thread regarding vertical banding on my Sony 32ex723:

Since then the situation has started to annoy me, however I am reluctant to get a Sony engineer out in case they think it's a non issue and/or the set is damaged at all whilst in the repair centre.

In order to see the problem I selected a HDMI input with nothing connected and set the brightness to max. You can see a couple of bands quite clearly and the main problematic one is just to the left of the centre of the screen. I have taken a picture and you can see this below.

My question is, do you guys think this is something that would be repairable under Sony warranty and would they be happy to look at this or charge me for wasting their time? You need to click on the image to enlarge and see it more clearly.


Message was edited by: mobily_uk

Message was edited by: mobily_uk


I'm sorry to bump this one but I would be interested to know from the Sony guys on here if this would be classed as 'within tolerance' or not and if it is appropriate for an engineer to have a look?

Hi guys,

I've decided to report the fault and will update this thread as I go through the process so if anyone suffers from the same issues it might be helpful to them.

I contacted the retailer who in turn spoke to Sony who recommended that the firmware be updated to the latest version as this apparently improves the TV picture!? I checked the firmware on the TV and it was the latest version therefore this was not a viable option.

I then contacted Sony directly and spoke to someone who has advised that I can arrange for a repair under warranty, however if no fault is found I will be charged a call out fee. This has surprised and annoyed me a little as the set is covered under the 1st year warranty and clearly there is a fault otherwise why would I call out an engineer?

I can imagine that when the repair chaps turn up they take one look at the set and say there is no fault as it is only visible on camera pans against a solid background i.e. when a football match is on for example. Therefore this is making me think twice about a repair if I'm going to be charged!

I will update as and when I've decided what to do. The repair guys are calling me back to arrange a time and date so I will discuss with them.

I currently have the same problem on a 65 HX 923 set which is very annoying. Because  I am aware of the fault it now makes watching things like a  football match.  golf, motor racing painful. How did you grt on with the repair?