
Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

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535 REPLIES 535

As I suspect our recent conversations have demonstrated, some (if not all) of the technical element of this goes a little above my head.  That’s said, I never assume I or Sony automatically knows best and your observations have been forwarded onto those who better understand them.  Indeed your contribution to this thread has been commented on by many of my colleagues who really appreciate the effort you and others have made.

I have not seen the LG in the flesh, however, on this product, the levels I have seen, and what many of you have reported (post exchange) is normal.




i could not have put that better myself, indeed you are probably correct there, as ive said before i had an LG55LX9900 flagship tv last october that had dreadful backlight bleed which subsequently went back for a full refund, LG were  quick to put this issue right with the release of newer models with a "diffuser" built in between the LED backlight and the LCD screen this was done to diffuse the backlight evenly, the Adhesive issue on Sony sets can be rectified by moving the bonding process further outward of the screen to the outer edge where the border is thus you would not be able to see it.

Hi Lee

I have to agree with your comments, this is a great set. You really have to move your eyes off centre to notice the crease.

I have been away for a week when I got back I completely forgot about the crease and only noticed it just before bed. However last night I noticed a lot and my eyes kept getting drawn to it.

I also have to agree with Bravia55HX923 - there is no way this should be normal on any TV set, especially a high end model. You would expect a picture to be even across the entire screen, not change at the edges.

I was trying to think of any TV that has such a visible artifact and the only thing I could think of was the visible support wires on the old Sony Trinitron monitors.

I hope the replacement set fixes this crease issue. I'm now starting to kick myself for not trying out the VT30 before committing to a set.

For me that is the beautiful thing about Social Media and why I am such a huge advocate of us spending much more time in direct contact with you here and on many other areas.

It is still very early days for us and so there isn’t currently the resource or experience in place to really make it work.  This will change, for me it has to, as it’s the very best way for us to listen, learn and engage with you to ultimately make sure the products and services we create are what you want.

Although relatively small, this forum has already made a difference to so many areas of the company; we just have to find a way to now scale that up.

In 2-4 months, if you see one of these sets with absolutely no edge artefact, come and find me.




apprieciate that the comments have been duly noted and trust that Sony take heed of that, however i for one am going to find it hard to believe one would expect that to be normal on a £3000 tv !, i a hoping for better, this should never have happened at all, i mean after all this is Sony's flagship tv, one would not believe that if you buy a brand new Rolls Royce in plain silver and it turned up with a thin black stripe down the sides, that you would have to accept it !, i think not.

plain and simple other than near to perfect picture quality this is not right to expect this to be an acceptable

trait on this high end set.



...the other issue here is that most of us know that ANY set at ANY price will have some PQ issue....banding, light bleed, blooming to some degree. you only have to look at threads for sets like the panasonic VT30's or the samsung d8000's to see there are always limitations with the technology. even then B&O stuff has isssues and there sets of similar size are 3-5 times the price of the HX923's (and the B&O stuff is just rebadeged phillips stuff isn't it :wink: )

the real issue here is that sony have probably nailed the picture quality and then shot themselves in the foot with something as basic as gluing it together (ok i don't build tv's so i'm sure its not that basic) but you get my point....i genuinely feel people love this tv and this brand and just feel so disappointed that such a basic error has tarnished the set....and its also that again in theory something that should be so easy to fix...though i'm sure sony aren't using evostick or superglue so maybe there are specific characterisitcs the adhevise needs and there aren't many products that could be used.

...must go my TV just arrived!!!!!


once again i agree with you, but what's going to rattle my cage is this, if Sony heed what i have said and change the bonding process and it indeed rectify's the fault, just say its put right a couple of months from now, surely that does not mean we have to lose out out for bringing this to their attention?, i mean if future batches are indeed fault free in this way then future buyers will benifit from this and not us, unless of coarse Sony agree to exchange them.

i will be having another chat with my dealer for any thoughts he may have on this too.

ps, re tv

OOH!!, let me know how she looks!!!

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

artifact = defect

The blooming and off axis viewing I can deal with - these are the limitation of the technology. The blooming annoys me but it is minor and I know that this is the price to pay for the amazing blacks.

The crease around the edge is not part of the technology, it is part of the assembly/manufacturing process. This is the part Sony has got wrong. I can not believe the designers of the set deliberately designed the crease in when they set out to make what might be considered one of the best LCD TVs.

If it is supposed to be normal then why have I not seen it on any other LCD?

ok so TV is here.

set it up connected to the freesat box, been sat watching ITV HD and BBC HD Preview.

overall the picture is stunning. totally stunning........BUT........the crease is there however it is very very very difficult to see if you actually watch TV like a normal person :slight_smile:

all that said, the issue is I know its there, i can see it if i really look for it, i know it should not be there and i know i've paid £2800 for this TV.

i'm going to ping Lee an email and see what can be done though based on latest updates it doesn't sound like there are ANY HX923s that don't have this issue.

the really annoying thing is its the only TV on the market right now i want. I discounted the VT30 and D8000's long ago due to their faults.

not sure what to do now. I'll speak to Lee @ Sony but I am suspecting I am not going to be able to convince myself to keep it even though it does NOT distract from normal viewing the thought of keeping it knowing i've paid top money for something that is faulty will just eat away at me.

...will make contact with sony and mull it over for rest of the day.