
Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

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535 REPLIES 535

Not good news, crease/shadow on left hand side - as suspected, the dealer didn't know what to look for, or just hoped I would accept it anyhow

Dealer acknowledged it, albeit reluctantly...I could also see it on standard TV when the left hand side of the screen was showing certain fixed colours and I know it would bug me once I get it home
They said they had sold two and not had them returned, the first one was my original set (which definitely had the fault) and another more recent build
So, that is my second rejection and now waiting for my third set to be ordered...
Think the store is still selling them just hoping people won't notice and make me feel like I am being overly picky - they are happy to keep replacing them though and I can afford to wait for a good one, so still have a little patience left...
Comments like "most people wont notice it" and "if you hadn't looked at the Internet you wouldn't have seen it" aren't the sort of comments I would have hoped for from the dealer - comes across as a 'let's just sell them knowing they are defective because most people wont notice it' type attitude...very disappointing and not particularly professional if you ask me!


more delays in getting a good one!, it beggars belief that dealers, in view of the problem dont order a handful of them on sale or return at least that way theres bound to be at least one good one among them!.

as for the dealers not knowing where to look ( dont think so somehow ), they know and they are probably hoping for one to be short sighted, blind even!, thick or stupid.

shame you dd'nt make a note of the build date and serial,

oh well, on to the next one i suppose.

JJ did make a note, it was a 07/2011 build serial number 36017XX


well i may stand corrected but i believe you mean his first one since the second one was rejected at the shop he probably never looked!,

any further comment JJ ?,

in any event i dont believe it matters much since its evident that this farce continues, nothings changed, all the builds from May to the present batch all display the same and since Sony are presently losing millions in panel displays perhaps its time to change before they end up down the same route as Pioneer did!

Hi Chaps,

I have rejected both of my faulty sets in store to avoid the hassle or delivery/collection etc. I decided to use this approach as soon as I heard about the potential problems and it also allows the dealer to see the fault first hand.

The first was serial number 3600135 or similar and I think this was a May build.

The second was serial number 3601735 or similar and this was definitely a July build.

I am seriously starting to read me into Lee's reply and consider that every set will have the crease to some extent and now that we have become avid "crease spotters" we will likely see it on every display to varying degrees. This is the nature of the beast when researching products in forums; you get to see the bad stuff you may never have even noticed :wink:

I have time on my side and my dealer is currently happy to order replacements sets until I find one I can live with, so the search continues for a little while some point either they, or I, will probably reach a breakpoint though and start talking refunds, which isnt really what I ever wanted.

I really wanted at least a 46" display, but 50" is too big for my lounge, so unless Panasonic bring out a 46VT30, the search will continue for a new TV if the "crease free" HX923 really does end up being just a myth :slight_smile:



sony reply to What Hifi

new bravia hx923 feature introduced officially as:  Un-Uniformity

you want an un-uniform picutre and got £3000 burning a hole in your pocket? have we got the set for you.....

in all seriousness a bit disappointing really.

southernsmoggy, I think you understate !!!!

Can't believe Sony think it is OK to have un-uniform picture. It is like a car salesman saying when you buy a brand new £xxK car "your side door has un-uniformity but it will not affect your driving or you comfort one bit. So, it is within specifications"

Cheap !!

what a load of bull. it seems obvious that they have cocked up making thousands of these and are just

trying to palm them off on their customers.

what a sad day this is, i'm an old-git of 50 years, and the only tv's i have had, have been sony.

if sony try to offload another faulty one on me this thursday, then thats it, they have wasted 5 days of

my holidays and i will tell them to give me my money back. Custmoer loyalty - they are displaying none,

so why should we.

lets see how good the new lg or sharp is, can't be worse than this rubbish with black lines up it.


this is seriousely not funny anymore, first "Adhesive curing problem", then "Edge Artifact", now last but not least "Un- Uniformity" and is part of manufacturing! what a load of tripe ever since they've discovered that its either on the left side or right side or both thats how they account for it!, if that was the case then how do they explain the ones that have got through that are perfect then???, if thats their way of getting out of it then thats pretty poor, i bet if Pioneer were still around they put that right sharpish!

oh and what did BRAVIA stand for again?, thats right-

Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture.

is it really ?

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

I thought Bravia stood for







My 2nd Tv is here this afternoon will let you know the outcome.