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Sony KDL**HX923

Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

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Edited title in order to Sticky it, hope this is ok.

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535 REPLIES 535


I did not send (post) the guarantee form at all. I kept the one(blank) they gave me as still I've about 12 days left to send it to Sony . Also Sony Cash back £150.00 and free PS3 untill 30 Jan.2012. But I will post both forms  with new TV details if I feel the TV is working perfect, on Monday.

I've cheked 3D picture last night an it was fantastic(clarity and effect) and also normal HD this evening all seems to be excellent. I am also trying to connect the set to my wireless router as router would not accept the Device ID(MAC) but I am going to start fresh tonight.

Hope you will receive that long awiting phone call soon and receive a good TV similar to mine.

You must give them a dead line as far as I know most dealers and Sony Centres have 55/46hx923s in stock for next day delivery or ask your money back.

Good luck.

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Message was edited by: 923sony

Message was edited by: 923sony

Message was edited by: 923sony


my dealer knows what he's doing and i trust him, if he has had one in and its not up to par he wont phone me!,

i'll let you all know in due coarse how it goes, time for you to get that THX optimiser out and set your tv up properly tonight.

Well deposit paid, my tv is on order. Saw no evidence of a crease anywhere on the shop model and frankly saw little to no halo'ing on it either, and I have an eye for these things. I spoke with the sales assistant about fear of getting a crease and I was told that there haven't been any cases of it in 2months, and so anything I get will be free from creases. I'm not taking it as gospel but I have no reason to doubt him after seeing the one on the shop floor, and frankly was sold on it as soon as he put a Blu Ray on and I asked for the tv remote and "could you give us a minute alone with this lady?"........ He backed away with a "but I want this sale" look on his face and I went to work. Sharp, detailed, beautiful motion clarity, no blooming or halos that I could see in that environment, it's a pretty dark corner of the store, and terrific film presentation. I haven't seen an LCD display film so natural and clear, even with motion flow off I saw less Judder and black level uniformity than any of previous LCD or led tv's I have owned. Free monolithic stand, four 3D Blu Rays, 2 rechargeable glasses, a free PS3 and €180 cash back. Plus €120 off the shop price after a little discussion. All in all I think I have just purchased the one, and if not maybe the second one will be it (fingers crossed the first one will be it). I am now a fully fledged member of the Hey all. When I get it home, I will post some real impressions.

Message was edited by: BamBamMickey

Message was edited by: BamBamMickey


Personally i would have thought you would have told them to box up the one you inspected as the way i see it, its pretty much hit and miss at the moment whether you get a good one or not (no disrespect sony) but its a known fact some display this so called crease more so than others.

but lets hope you will be ok with yours, very upset myself i never got the long awaited phone call but i suppose theres always next week!

remember what i said, no vivid mode and you wont want game mode either for movies, trust me.

Perhaps this sounds like a stupid question but where can I purchase a THX Optimiser disc ?

Searched on internet but no luck.



no need to, just flick through your DVD/Blu Ray collection and look for one that has the THX logo on it,

Star Wars or T2 has it to name a couple, and you can find the optimiser in the menu of the disc.

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923 spelling mistake

try searching for the "disney wow" disc, best one i have used.

Cheers Bravia, they are calling me today with a date for my delivery, hope it's very soon.

On your other point i don't think i would ever consider a shop floor model, especially at this price!!!!

Usually i enjoy unboxing my expensive electronics, but this will be like heart surgery when i get hold of it.

I understand that many of you may have been affected by problematic sets & the crease, but i will expect what i saw on the shop floor, if not then we will try exchanges.

I was told it will be crease free, that's good enough for me.

Since i got a refund on my 55D8000 LED, my poor room is using a 32" Full HD LCD and it's screaming for the 55HX923 ....:)


you misunderstood what i meant, what i tried to say was let the store get one in and let them lift the box while your there and check it in store before you take it home, thats what my dealer does for me, soon as he gets one in he will call me and i will pop down and check it before he delivers it to me.

good luck either way.

i looked up the Disney WOW disc although good its an import so dont know if you have to pay duty on it or not, the THX is the cost free option and it does the job, theres a spears and munsil disc but that needs extra filters and i think thats too much bother.

Ah i get you now mate.
Unfortunately that's not an option for me as they don'ty stock it and when my order is put through it will be delivered straight to my home by Sony.

Anyway i'm confident i will get a good frist one, as i have had 4 Samsungs in the space of 2 weeks, so the tv god should spare me this time.:)