Walkman NWZ ZX1, battery replacement,


Walkman NWZ ZX1, battery replacement,

Hi Guys, having difficulty in finding a Sony authorised centre in 2020, that actually replaces  the battery on this Walkman from 2014, I can get the battery (A1975243A) from EET Europarts and Yes Ive seen the instructional videos on youtube, but dont want to undertake the risk myself, as I've read there are some post battery transplants that have issues with fully charging the new battery, has anyone had a refit recently,  Please dont suggest trying my luck with the local phone shops as Ive tried that and they dont want to know


Hi there,


Welcome to the community.

We'll look into this and get back to you when we know more.

Meanwhile, some of our members may have some knowledge to share.


Best wishes,



Hi, what are the post battery replacement issues you have heard? I just replaced my battery on my NWZ ZX1 tonight after nearly 6 years on the original battery. It took a few goes soldering the new battery, the first time the battery worked but wouldn't charge. After starting again and soldering the second time, both battery and charging worked. I do notice now that the indicator of battery level won't update during charge cycle but updates once the charging lead has been disconnected, eg battery charges ok but screen shows 50% and this doesn't change until I disconnect lead with screen showing charge of 100%.


Best to send it to your Sony authorised service centre. 

UK link https://services.sony.co.uk/supportmvc/en/repair/


Hope this helps



Hi SoundsWeird


Have you tried contacting the Sony service centre: 01656 867347 ?






Hi did you use the very expensive Sony battery or a cheaper model? I have the same issue and the cost of a sony battery plus repair is greater than the value of my walkman . Shame as I love it

Hi, I just replaced the battery for my 2015 ZX1 walkman with a 10€ battery bought on AMZ. For it to properly work, be recognized by the charging SW of the walkman and actually charge, you need to keep the Sony protection circuit in place. (hence not desolder the 3 colored wires attaching the battery to the board, but rather unsolder the battery from protection circuit.)

Open up the battery plastic casing with a thin cutting knife, remove the plastic coverage and unfold the protection circuit (folded around the battery).

Then mark the negative pole (B-) on the circuit with a pencil (marked on the circuit), do the same for the replacement battery (so to correctly connect B- new battery with B- old protection circuit)

Unsolder the metal connectors from the new battery from the protection circuit. Do the same for the old battery, it is cold welded so you may have to use very thin pliers to gently remove the metal tags after heating up a bit the part.

Resolder the new battery to the Sony protection circuit, refold the protection circuit around the battery, protect with isolating tape, and put back.

You willl find tutorials on how to extract the battery on youtube.

I attach a photo of the battery protection circuit after unfolding and before desolderingnew battery with protection circuit to be desolderednew battery with protection circuit to be desoldered