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STR-DN 1060 and SRS-X77 multiroom problem using songpal

Just picked up a STR-DN1060 since it's supported by Sony's multiroom feature together with the SRS-X77 using the SongPal app. 


When i play Spotify connect on the SRS-X77 alone via andriod everything works just fine, I can change sound settings etc. That's also the case with the STR-DN1060, Spotify connect works like a charm, I can chose wich speakers to use /I have a 5.1 system connected to it) and the subwoofer works fine!


The problem starts when i link them together with the SongPal app, creating a group with the STR-DN1060 and the SRS-X77. When I start spotify my subwoofer wont get any signal from the STR-DN1060, and I cannot change any settings on the reciever either, it says: NO.USE when i try to change the speakers or almost anything.


Please help me, im going crazy here!! =((((

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