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DN1080 amp and built in Chromecast audio issue

FAO Sony!

The built in chromecast audio device will only output in 2 channel stereo or multi channel stereo.  It does not make use of a connected sub woofer.


I appreciate that 2 channel stereo means music is played "correctly" using the left and right speakers connected to the amp.  However, it does not make use of a connected sub-woofer.  This means music playback has virtually no bass to it at all, unless your front speakers are "floor standing" or "book shelf" style.


I use  small satellite speakers, I imagine owners of this amp do too.  They produce virutally no bass, so music playback is completely pointless using the built in chromecast option.  


Second to this is that when casting music, you can't use any other soundfield, such as Dolby Surround.  You are stuck with 2ch or multi channel output.


Please can a future update fix this issue to allow 2ch to make use of a connected sub woofer, or that all soundfields are available.


I can't understand the thinking behind this decision; why add something so useful but make it so useless to those with satellite surround speakers!



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