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Problems with ubp-x800



We recently bought this player from Amazon. It is connected to a Sony hf-zf9 and then through this to a Samsung TV. We updated to the most recent firmware as part of the setup. We have noticed that when we try to turn the player on nearly every time the TV switches to it but nothing appears. We get an error from the soundbar usually saying that there is no hdmi signal. Sometimes the picture does eventually come, sometimes not requiring a hard reset of the player. It happens whether there is a disk in the drive or not. It also happens when you connect the blu ray player directly to the TV. We can't find anything in the settings to explain this. We contacted the retailer and were exchanged to a new unit, but the problems are still occuring. We are beginning to contemplate returning both units and purchasing a Samsung player, can you advise on further action? Personally I am surprised we are having problems, as with Sony's reputation I wouldn't expect such issues. 

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