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Random white flash on 55XH9005

Hi all


Have a really random and strange issue on my 55xh9005 and it's really hard to explain but I'll try.  Unfortunately I can't take a pic of the issue either as it's really random and is literally a quick flash.


So far I've noticed that the problem only seems to appear on terrestrial channels, don't really notice it when streaming netflix / prime / chromecast.


When watching TV, I get a random white flash appear on the screen.  It literally lasts like a second or less and there is no pattern that I can see which makes it appear more or less.  The only way I can describe it, is that it is a flash of white outline of everything on screen.  


Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.  I have done a full factory reset on the TV but the problem still exists.


Any suggestions would be great


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