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XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532


XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532

Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?

299 REPLIES 299

Dear all

I downgrade my ZX2 from Android 10 to android 9. unfortunately the microphone problem still almost the same for the voice call (maybe a little better) but for the speakerphone still nothing

So my friends the new update  broke the 2 microphones

There is NO solution for the microphone with the new future update (if exist) 

Before this stuped update my Xperia zx2 was amazing, but I will never buy any Sony mobile anymore


Maybe mic problem is hardware malfunction? I also thought one of previous updates broke connection between phone and computer (charging, otg with usb flash and headphones worked just fine only computer did not recognize nor charge the phone) but in the end it was faulty main board. I am still on android 9 btw no plans for update until sony fixes android 10. Did try 10 it was slow and unresponsive. 


Po aktualizacji do androida 10 nie działają żadne czujniki 😨 ruchu, światła, itd po resecie bateria jako tako trzyma 👍czy można jakoś powrócić do androida 9? Proszę o wytyczne 

After upgrading to android 10 no sensors work światła, light, etc. after the reset the battery still holds, can you somehow return to android 9? I am asking for guidance



@Unregistered user wrote:

My recommendation: disable Digital Wellbeing. It helps to make XZ2 slightly faster.

Disable the standard gallery app and install another one, if you've got any problems with it. I can't transfer screenshots to SD card without creating broken copies.

This actually solved every issue I was having, I highly recommend this for now until Sony figures itself out! 


I don't know how... But android 10 broke the microphone (hardware)

That why Sony till now didn't give a solution or update to fix it. 

Unfortunately the mic need to be replaced, so after that, the phone will not be water resist anymore. 


Same exact issue (XZ2 Compact)


@Unregistered user wrote:

My recommendation: disable Digital Wellbeing. It helps to make XZ2 slightly faster.

Disable the standard gallery app and install another one, if you've got any problems with it. I can't transfer screenshots to SD card without creating broken copies.

Xperia XZ3 here. Disabling digital-wellbeing brought the performance back, but the equalizer still needs 2 minutes to kick in. 


i haven't done the update yet, because i read daily this page, this was growing a page a day about the issues with android 10(fingerprint reader, cwrashing apps , rapid discharge of the phone, broken microphone and more) i dont know how someone would  do the update after reading all that.  for those who didnt know about the problems and updated i get it. but for those who read this before hand and went for it anyway, i dont know.  i won't do it until i know for a fact they fix all the issues. 


From what I have been seeing in Russian forums and other sites, Sony has already released an update with the same compilation, and if it is true it was released on February 17 and there are still no reports of people who have already updated and everything is fine , hopefully and have finally fixed everything and have an android 10 as it should, with everything they did not put and even removed for example gestures and facial unlocking


I contacted Sony support again regarding the bad performance and poor battery. I got the following message:

"We have recieved further reports about similar issues from other users and have escalated it to our developers. We would suggest that you keep your device updated."

So, hopefully an update is on the way?