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Fan noise Laptop VPCF22M1E

Fan noise Laptop VPCF22M1E

I have to use my laptop for studies and the fan noise makes me want to throw the laptop out of the window.  I've seen noisier laptops and I work in a quiet environment but compared to my old toshiba or a mac it's awful and your average laptop is definitely much more quiet nowadays. The thing is that in idle, when there's nothing going on it should be quiet and smooth. But the cyclical variation with the laptop basically "gasping for air" is just terrible. Even my desktop pc beats it by miles when I limit the fanspeed with SpeedFan but all fan controls seem to be locked down by Sony.

The "How to troubleshoot fan noise section" says:

"As regular fan noise is normal, and volume depends on various circumstances, this will be considered as operating within design specifications."

Which reads like, "yes, you should have bought a mac, our laptops really do suck"

Is that true? Did I simply buy the wrong laptop.

Because in this thread a customer returned his sony computer and his fan noise issue apparently was much improved:

So is there some hope and the laptop should actually be quiet? Anyone has the same model and can share his experience? Is there maybe some workaround to limit cpu power and kill the fan I don't know about, any other workarounds? I know about blowing out dust by air. And don't tell me "it's a powerful laptop", it should be quiet when I'm not using the power. It's purely an engineering/design issue but it may well be that it's not good enough for me and there's nothing I can do about it but sell the laptop.

Message was edited by: userpuser

Message was edited by: userpuser

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user mrmarbury in your link offer to replace heatsink paste. will try and share my results in here